Tag Archives: Drug Dealer

S:1 E:17A “Drunk Haircut”

Trinity talks about trying to get through the metal detector in Provo and instead gets into a fight with a cop. Trinity has a problem with authority and it manifests itself at the worst times. She reminisces about the day the Feds busted into her home, took Bob away, and she was arrested. Davis County jail is a good place to make goals.

S:1 E13A “Why Mormons Speed”

Finally, Trinity and Bob drive the very last part of the Triangle to make it back to SLC. Utahans love to speed which causes many travails of hiding the load and blending in with the pack on I-15. Once the load was delivered into town there were certain procedures they followed in their trade craft to keep it and themselves safe. They delivered the load to safe houses all over town. How the distributors deliver the product once it arrived.

Trinity’s Emerald Triangle S:1 E:21 “Whose Story was Better?”

Trinity talks about gaining courage to reveal the truth about the drug world and prison industry. She reminisces about all the characters and people she’s met on her adventures in The Emerald Triangle. And, a final twist in Trinity’s story for the listeners.

Trinity’s Emerald Triangle S:1 E:18 “Birthday Surprise”

Highway robbery, when done by the man, is known as civil asset forfeiture. In the contest to see who can get away with the most, highway patrol and DEA tend to come out on top since the law allows them to steal your money, cars, and other stuff. After doing her time, Trinity goes to Takashi–her most favorite place to eat–gets a surprise for her birthday and a lesson in how those assets are spent.

Trinity’s Emerald Triangle S:1 E:8 “Lie to Me”

Brokering and buying cannabis, cash changing hands, mixed with a whole lot more fast paced waiting. Finding the right product, at the right price, from the right farmer isn’t as easy as calling your corner hopper on a Friday night. Trinity loves browsing the cat-pee bookstore and laughs at Bob’s anxiety of the dangers.

Trinity’s Emerald Triangle S:1 E:6 “Sexier ‘n a Leather Purse from Tijuana”

Trinity travels the dark and mysterious Redwood Highway, protected by majestic 3,000-year-old giants who look down quietly on her illicit activities. The spell is broken in Laytonville by baby-talking meth heads, and a sexy 60-year-old cougar at Boomers. Secrets lurk on county roads, especially Spy Rock and Bell Springs, where there’s always a Utah connection.

Trinity’s Emerald Triangle S:1 E:5 – “Electric Blue Honda Gangsta”

Yuba City sucks, and Trinity can prove it. The wonders of the Central Valley’s orchards, fields and golden sunflowers brings Sting to life. Turnout lanes, citizen cops, fires from hell and crushing on Hot Shots all before our couriers arrive at the Redwood Highway—only to be stopped dead at the Willits Friday Night Street Fair. Student tree huggers come to the rescue of the Redwoods.

Trinity’s Emerald Triangle S:1 E:4 “Baby Chubba Chunks & No Atheists”

Staying in the same hotels trip after trip heightens the awareness of the staff to a courier who fills her bags with millions in cold hard cash.  Nevada is full of intensity with larger than life bonfires, white knuckle rides, psychotic pioneers, and the amazing Chinese workers who built the railroad over the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Trinity’s Emerald Triangle S:1 E:1: “What Happened?” and “Bonnie & Clyde”

Part I

How does a BYU graduate and devout Mormon become a member of what the Feds called one of the largest marijuana organizations the State of Utah had ever seen? Come along with Trinity on an insider’s journey through the cannabis world, America’s war on drugs, and the government’s take-down of her family. Be sure to join the conversation in the comment section!

Part II

What does it mean to be accused of trafficking marijuana? Trinity introduces her crew, she learns the ropes of the industry, and begins driving. Our couriers quickly become familiar with the perils of hauling pungent smelling weed one-third of the way across the country.