Tag Archives: War on Drugs

S:1 E18A “Birthday Surprise”

Highway robbery, when done by the man is known as civil asset forfeiture. In the contest to see who can get away with the most, highway patrol and DEA tend to come out on top since the law allows them to steal your money, cars, and other stuff. After doing her time, Trinity goes to Takashi–her most favorite place to eat–gets a surprise for her birthday and a lesson in how those assets are spent.

S:1 E:2A “Driving While Black”

Driving cannabis loads from California to Utah for the better part of 5 years gave Trinity a unique perspective and awareness.  Her whiteness cloaked her from the watchful eyes of law enforcement, but she saw how DWB automatically caused people of color to be in the crosshairs of state cops and DEA.

Trinity’s Emerald Triangle S:1 E:1A “What Happened?”

It’s becoming more obvious that we live in a police state, even if many of us never think the criminal justice system will touch our protected lives. Trinity experienced, 1st-hand, the battle between the federal government’s war on drugs and legalization of marijuana by the states. Ride along, and listen in, as she describes how she, her family, and our nation have become entrenched in the business of criminal justice and the prison industry that now touches the lives of one out of every three Americans.

Trinity’s Emerald Triangle S:1 E:13 “Why Mormons Speed”

Hauling ass, while carrying a load: that’s the dilemma confronting Trinity and Bob as they speed along with other Mormon NASCAR want-a-be’s for the last miles of the Triangle into Salt Lake City. Trade craft didn’t end for the couriers until the load was delivered all in one piece to the safe house.

Trinity’s Emerald Triangle S:1 E:1: “What Happened?” and “Bonnie & Clyde”

Part I

How does a BYU graduate and devout Mormon become a member of what the Feds called one of the largest marijuana organizations the State of Utah had ever seen? Come along with Trinity on an insider’s journey through the cannabis world, America’s war on drugs, and the government’s take-down of her family. Be sure to join the conversation in the comment section!

Part II

What does it mean to be accused of trafficking marijuana? Trinity introduces her crew, she learns the ropes of the industry, and begins driving. Our couriers quickly become familiar with the perils of hauling pungent smelling weed one-third of the way across the country.